School Assembly Eurythmy Performance

outh assembly event at Highland Hall, featuring students and staff.

The last day of school, all classes presented a short poem, song or skit. Some of the songs were in Mandarin or Spanish, to show what they have been learning in class. The High School did a fantastic Eurythmy performance.

Senior Class Play

theatre production

2024 Senior Class presented The (One-Act) Play That Goes Wrong, a fun and disastrous murder/mystery play — with hilarious accidents and mishaps galore. It was directed by Mr. Paul Turbiak.

8th Grade Recognition Ceremony

For many of these students who have been at our school since Kindergarten, their 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony marked the end of the continuous time they have spent with their same teacher and many of their same classmates. In a Waldorf school, the ideal is that the 1st Grade teacher stays with the same group of […]

7th Grade Goes to Yosemite National Park

The 7th Grade Class had a memorable adventure in Yosemite National Park where they enjoyed nature at its best, with full waterfalls and rushing rivers. They did rock climbing, hiking, and trekked through the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias.

5th Grade Pentathlon

The 5th Grade class recently went to San Diego County where they participated, with other Waldorf schools from Southern CA, in the Pentathlon, an event that integrates with their studies of ancient Greece. The 5th graders had a wonderful time, and they all did so well!

International Student Exchange

One of our 11th grade students had the opportunity to attend the Frankfurt Waldorf School, one of the largest Waldorf Schools in Germany with over 1,000 students. His exchange partner is presently attending Highland Hall High School.

Highland Hall May Faire

Collage capturing moments from Highland Hall's 2024 Maypole dance event.

Our Annual May Faire is a festive event honoring the change of the seasons from darkness to light. Some say it began as a pagan tradition, while others say it includes the celebration of the advent of Spring. Throughout history and in all civilizations, there are rituals reflecting nature’s rhythms, important transitions, and significant moments […]

4th Grade Class Play

Highlights from a 4th-grade play at Highland Hall in a photo collage.

The 4th grade presented their boisterous comedy from Norse Mythology in which Thor and his hero companions travel to Utgard, the fortress of the giants. The play included Eurythmy, singing, 4 giants walking on stilts, and great acting by everyone! The Tale of  Æsir and the Giants: The Journey to UtgardFrom Norse Mythology The fourth grade presented […]

The 6th Grade Goes to Death Valley

Photo collage of Highland Hall's 6th-grade students on a class trip.

It is a tradition in Waldorf schools for the 6th grade to do a class trip that allows them to complement their studies in astronomy and geology. This year, they visited Death Valley National Park and even experienced a sandstorm and rain! A camping trip to Death Valley National Park is one of the exciting […]

3rd Grade Class Play

children of Highland Hall participating on a play

Our third graders all delivered fantastic performances during their class play of “Noah & The Flood” in an adaptation by Eugene Schwartz. The 3rd Grade students performed “Noah & The Flood” in an adaptation by Eugene Schwartz which complemented their studies in their main lesson block.   It was a fantastic performance which included some […]


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