
Waldorf Preschool Program:

Our Preschool serves children from 2 years 9 months to 5 years of age:

  • Full day - 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
  • Reduced day options: 8:00-12:30pm; either 3 or 5 days.

Please note children must be potty trained to attend the Preschool program.

A limited number of spaces are available for the Reduced Day in the Preschool in order for new students to adjust to the experience of attending school. Please inquire.

Waldorf Preschool Program:

Our Preschool serves children from 3 to 5 years of age:

  • Full day - 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
  • Reduced day options: 8:00-12:30pm; either 3 or 5 days.

Please note children must be potty trained to enroll in the Preschool program.

A limited number of spaces are available for the Reduced Day in the Preschool in order for new students to adjust to the experience of attending school. Please inquire.

Foundations of Literacy

Through puppetry and storytelling, the children’s listening skills, memory skills, and vocabulary are strengthened, and they develop a deep soul connection to the human voice. In preschool, the stories are often nature stories, sequential stories, or simple folk tales.

Foundations of Social Capacities

The play of singing, verse, rhyme, and movement is the children’s work. In Circle, the children imitate the gestures and movements of the teacher while listening to a song or verse. Spatial awareness is enhanced through these larger movements in the three planes. Through movement and singing of traditional songs and the recitation of rhythmical verses, the forces of expansion and contraction are worked with, and fine motor skills develop.

Foundations of Engaged Learning

Artistic work is an experience that guides young children toward abilities that can be transformed throughout life. Watercolor painting allows children to experience not only the beauty of color, but also the soothing fluidity of the paint while being engaged in a creative process. In the kindergarten, the children sew, finger-crochet, finger-knit, mold with beeswax, and do simple craft activities that are offered seasonally.

Imagination & Wonder

Waldorf education believes in providing a nurturing environment that protects and honors the wonders of childhood. The physical surroundings, activities, rhythms of the day, and personal relationships work together to lay a strong foundation for later academic success.

Preschool Readiness

Is My Child Ready for School?

Enrolling your young child in school is a big decision. Here are some considerations that may help you to know if your child is ready to be in a group setting.


The Preschool Program emphasizes a level of independence in 3-year-old children, encouraging them to feed themselves, navigate the classroom, and engage in free play with peers without constant adult redirection.

Emotional Readiness

Emotional readiness for preschool involves a child’s enthusiasm for school, social inclination, and ability to handle brief separations. Bid farewell without excessive anxiety indicates emotional readiness, while transitioning from two naps to one signals the required stamina for a full morning in a group setting.

Expression Skills

School-ready children are expected to express themselves in a way understandable to unfamiliar adults, conveying feelings and needs appropriately. Basic language comprehension, attention to short stories, and the ability to focus on an activity for around 10 minutes are indicators of readiness.


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