The Study of Animals in 4th Grade

Collage of Highland Hall 4th-grade students working on animal-themed projects.

In fourth grade, a beloved block is dedicated to humans and animals, culminating in an animal report, researched, authored, and presented to the class by each student. They also chose their favorite animal and constructed a diorama of its habitat. In fourth grade, a beloved block is dedicated to humans and animals, culminating frequently in […]

Eurythmy Performance by 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades

Eurythmy, also known as “visible music & visible speech” forms part of the curriculum at many Waldorf schools worldwide. The 7th, 8th, and 9th graders did a demonstration of copper rod tossing and a Eurythmy presentation to poems by Blake and music by Tchaikovsky. At our end-of-semester eurythmy performance,  the 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades […]

5th Grade Woodworking Class

Woodworking in Waldorf education is important because it engages the whole child in a creative activity. At Highland Hall Waldorf School, Woodworking class starts in the 4th grade.  Children at that age need an appropriate challenge that will equip them with perseverance and thus develop confidence when overcoming that challenge. In Woodworking classes in the […]

Painting as Part of the Curriculum

Waldorf education recognizes the importance of beauty: all work is imbued with color, form and texture that should be pleasing. The teacher uses stories to introduce the qualities of the colors as well as to develop new skills such as handling of the brush, paint, and paper. The artistic element weaves throughout the Waldorf curriculum, […]

Rose Ceremony

The beginning of the school year is marked by our traditional Rose Ceremony. Each first grader is welcomed with a rose by their twelfth grade “special friend”, marking the beginning of a wonderful journey through the grades. The Rose Ceremony has been a tradition at Highland Hall Waldorf School for many years and it happens […]

Study of Music in Elementary School

In a Waldorf School, the children study music, starting with kinder lyres and pentatonic flutes or recorders in the early grades. Teachers may use songs already familiar to the children or write original pieces. Flute playing helps develop finger dexterity and a sense of class cohesion. By the end of the year many children play […]

End-of-Year School Assembly

Our school year came to a close with a beautiful sharing of poems, instrumental music, and singing in various languages, by each of the classes at our final Assembly. We wish all our families, students, teachers, and staff a rejuvenating summer filled with joy, laughter, and memory-making moments.

School Assembly Features High School Hand Bell Choir

At a Waldorf School, music education is part of the curriculum. At our End-of-Year Assembly, the High School Hand Bell Choir performed “Clocks” by Coldplay, arranged by Keith Richards, and directed by Evan Hart, one of the school’s music teachers. Our Waldorf high school music program provides an opportunity for students to broaden their cultural horizons, […]

High School Seniors Performed “Women” by Chiara Atik

Our High School Senior Class performed the play “Women” which is a comedic, modern twist on the beloved classic. It was directed by Paul Turbiak. Their drama class included designing props & costumes, light & sound, and all aspects of theatre production. Women offers a modern, comedic twist on the beloved classic Little Women. The story follows […]

7th Grade Performed “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Our 7th graders performed “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare, in full Elizabethan English, for parents, staff & faculty. They all did an amazing job! In a Waldorf School performing class plays is part of the curriculum.  Often performed in springtime, the play deepens the students’ academic, social emotional and collaborative learning. The plays […]


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