A Workshop for Dads - Cancelled

A Workshop for Dads - Cancelled
4/9/2016, 10:00 AM 1:00 PM

Please note that due to a personal emergency, this event has been cancelled. 


Teacher, educational expert & author, Jack Petrash will present a workshop for dads:

Covering Home - What Baseball Can Teach You About Parenting
Saturday, April 9th
10 am – 1 pm, in the Eurythmy room

For fathers of all ages - $35
Child care is available. Send email to [email protected]

About the Fathering Workshop: Come meet and explore what baseball can teach you about parenting. JACK PETRASH, founder and director of the Nova Institute and author of Coming Home: Lessons on the Art of Fathering from the Game of Baseball, is coming to Highland Hall. Come share and learn with other fathers how to make it into the Fathering Hall of Fame!

JACK PETRASH is an educator with over thirty years of classroom experience (having just completed his fourth class at the Washington Waldorf School) and a teacher of teachers. He has written extensively on issues pertaining to innovative classroom instruction, has served on the editorial board of the journal Encounter, and is the author of Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out.

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