Practical Arts Teacher Training with Jack Bryant & Mona Lewis

Practical Arts Teacher Training with Jack Bryant & Mona Lewis
6/21/2014, 11:00 AM 12:00 PM

June 16 - June 21, 2014
Held on the campus of Highland Hall Waldorf School,

The mission of this Practical Arts Training is to offer an ongoing training/mentoring/professional development opportunity in both the "soft" crafts and the "hard" crafts in the Waldorf curriculum, together as one program. This course is open to current and future Waldorf teachers and parents, alumni and homeschool parents.

WIPATT Faculty are working, veteran Waldorf Handwork and Woodwork teachers with many years of experience teaching children in primary school, high school, and preparing Waldorf Teachers in North America and China. Our founding faculty members are Jack Bryant (Woodcarving / Sculpture) and Mona Lewis (Fiber Arts / Handwork), both are long-time teachers at Highland Hall Waldorf School.

The course consists of 6 days of intensives classes, where the participants will learn and practice Fiber Arts and Woodworking techniques, and will also gain an understanding of why and how they are introduced to children. 

Each module offers a valuable professional development experience. After completion of each module, the participant will be awarded a certificate to verify their attendance. After attending 9 modules and completion of assignments, the participant will receive a Waldorf Practical Arts Certificate which certifies that the participant received a minimum of 81 hours of foundation studies in Anthroposophy (minimum of 81 hours of lecture and book study plus independent reading) and a minimum of 162 hrs. of soft craft instruction and 162 hrs. of hard craft instruction (participants may choose to specialize in either).

The cost of each module is $650, which includes most materials. The book list is still developing, but purchase of the books will be the responsibility of the participants. The course begins June 16, 2014 and will span six days, ending June 21. It will be held at Highland Hall Waldorf School in Northridge, California, a beautiful and spacious campus shared by the Waldorf Institute of Southern California.

8:30 am to 10:00 am: Lecture and Book Study
10:00 am to 10:20 am: Break
10:20 am to 12:20 pm: Group A- Soft Crafts / Group B- Woodwork
12:20 pm to 12:45 pm: Movement
12:45 pm to 1:45 pm: Lunch
1:45 pm to 3:45 pm: Group A- Woodwork / Group B- Soft Crafts
3:45 pm to 4:30 pm: Daily Review
4:30 pm to 5:00 pm: Break
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm: Open Studio Work
On the final day of each module, an art show displaying participants' work will begin at 5:00 pm.

The deposit for each module is $325 to hold a place; the balance is due by June 1, 2014. We need a minimum of 12 pre-registered participants to start... otherwise, if we fail to reach this minimum number, deposits will be refunded and the first module will be postponed until the Winter break. The maximum number is 24 participants in each module. Registration deadline is June 1, 2014.

Please email your registration request to: [email protected]

At this point WIPATT has not discussed the issue of financial aid. Most schools have a budget for professional development and may be able to contribute to the tuition to help defray or eliminate the cost to the participants.

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