Crafts Through the Grades - Handwork Classes

Crafts Through the Grades - Handwork Classes
1/27/2014, 8:15 AM 9:45 AM
Room 11B

“Crafts Through the Grades” with Jamie Branker
Mondays 8:15am-9:45am
Join Highland Hall's crafts teacher Jamie Branker as we explore the handwork that our children learn in Waldorf schools: knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross stitch, stuffed animals, hand sewn patchwork pillows, machine sewing and traditional bookbinding. No experience necessary.
The cost is $180. The class starts January 6th and will run for 12 weeks until spring break (April 7). Other sessions will continue throughout the school year, dates to be announced.
Reserve your spot!
[email protected] or call 818-970-2316

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